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2018 MA project by Jessica Grashoff and Nany Stausebach

„Desperate Measures“ is a short movie that compares two different ways of student life. Through match cuts and transitions we are showing the differences and difficulties of two ways of student life that ostensibly should be equal. More than every sixth college student suffers mental health disorders. The pressure to achieve and financial difficulties lead to fears for the future and are associated with the increased risk for depression in college students. [BARMER medical report, Germany 2018]


» [...] I also thought about selling my used panties on ebay to cover the costs of my student life... I worked a lot, but it was never enough. And sometimes there wasn‘t even time for my studies. I was caught in a doom loop. I often thought about taking part in clinical studies. Once I did, but after one try I decided rather to take out a student loan.« Konstanze R., 27

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